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Version: 4.2

Manage extended system configurations together with i-CDS installation.

Configuring Printing Service

Set printing templates to print out pages inside SUPCON applications when necessary.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Printing service authorization, copy the authorization key spreadjs.license.

The default authorization key is only available on the network segment of 192. or 10..

  1. Go back to System Settings, and then click Print Configuration.
  2. Select a function from the application list on the left, and then click New.
  3. Enter the printing template information and then click Confirm.
  1. Click Design under Operation, drag fields from data sources to form the template content and then click Save and exit.
  1. Click Association under Operation, and then select application functions to associate with the template.
  1. Select the template, and then click Release.

Printing permissions need to be granted before use under User Security Management > User Management.

Adding Electronic Signature

Add single or dual electronic signature verification as operations of buttons on application pages.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Electronic signature button management.
  2. Select a function from the left side, and then click Signature settings under Operation.
  3. Click Enable e-signature, and then select signature type and enter corresponding information.
  • Single signature requires only one person's signature, while dual requires two.
  • For dual signature, specify the Permission type and only users with permission can perform electronic signature operation.
  1. Click Confirm.

An electronic signature interface will pop up when saving the changes on pages configured with electronic signature.

Enabling Audit Log

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Audit log configuration.
  2. Enable business log control.
  3. Click Save.

Setting Watermark

Set whether to add watermark to PDFs that are uploaded to supOS or converted during preview.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Watermark configuration.
  2. Enable watermark, and then enter the watermark text and image according to requirements that you can see by clicking .
  3. Click Save.

Converting PPT

Select a conversion method for converting PPTs to PDFs.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > PPT conversion tool.
  2. Select a converting method.
  3. Click Save.

Setting File Size

Set the maximum file size for preview. Any file that is bigger than the set size cannot be previewed.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Preview file size limit.
  2. Set the file size limit.
  3. Click Save.

Displaying Company for Multi-organization

Set whether to display the company to which the current user belongs when there are multiple organizations.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Multi organization configuration.
  2. Set whether to display the company.
  3. Click Save.

Setting Organization Reference

Set whether to take reference of organization information across companies.

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > Org info reference config.
  2. Select whether to take reference of organization information across companies.
  3. Click Save.

Viewing License

  1. Select System Management > System Configuration > License.
  2. View the name, type and code of all app models, and their authorization status.
  3. Change the authorization status, click Refresh under Operate

Platform Information

Click and then select About supOS.


The data is authorized through the dongle, and can be extended by updating dongle configurations.

  • Number of Web User Sessions : The number of users who can log in at the same time, including on web client and mobile client (supLink and supMobile).
  • Number of Collectors: The number of connected collectors. Collectors cannot connect to supOS when the limit is exceeded.
  • Timing Tag: Processing The number of connected time series tags. The attributes is hidden, timestamps are refreshed and attribute state code is 100000000000000 when the connection limit is exceeded.
  • Instance ID: The only ID of supOS instances.

Admin does not take up any quota. After the system quota is used up, only admin can log in.